Saturday, July 13, 2024

OMB Approves 3 BIS Rulemakings – 7-12-24

Yesterday, the OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs announced that it had approved three rulemaking actions by the DOC’s Bureau of Industry and Security:

Interim Final Rule - Standards-Related Activities and the Export Administration Regulations – Submitted May 17th, 2024,

NPRM - Proposed Amendments to the Export Administration Regulations: Crime Controls and Expansion/Update of U.S. Persons Controls. – Submitted May 9th, 2024,

NPRM - Proposed Amendments to End-Use and End-User Based Export Controls, Including U.S. Persons Activities Controls: Military and Intelligence End Uses and End Users. Submitted November 3rd, 2023,

None of these rulemakings look like they are going to be of specific interest here, but you never can tell with the BIS. At the very least, I will mention the publication of these rules in my ‘Short Takes’ blog post on the day of publication.

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