Monday, July 8, 2024

Chemical Security Seminars – 7-11-24

I got an email today from “”, that caught my attention, you bet. It was a reminder about the virtual 2024 Chemical Security Seminars that start this week. Session 1 is on Thursday, the 11th; Session 2 is the following Thursday. A reminder that the two sessions are different, but there is a single signup for both. You can still register here (Note: Not a .gov website), no charge.

This week’s sessions include:

• Opening and Keynote Remarks (Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas),

• State of Chemical Security (Associate Director Kelly Murray),  

• Transnational Threats Impacting Chemical Security, (FBI and Interpol),

• Federal Partner Priorities for Addressing Emerging Chemical Threats (TSA, CIRCIA, CG, and DOE), and

• The Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Chemical Security (Sean Ekins, CEO, Collaborations Pharmaceuticals)

I have been registered to attend since the original announcement.

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