Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Short Takes – 7-24-24

Colorado requiring dairies to test milk for bird flu. article. Pull quote: ““Mandatory surveillance of highly pathogenic avian influenza across all of Colorado’s Grade A commercial dairies is a critical next step to tamping down the virus and protecting the food system,” state Agriculture Commissioner Kate Greenberg said in a statement.”

Are Doctors Missing Cases of H5N1 Bird Flu in People Who Drink Raw Milk? article. Pull quote: “Lawler said, ideally, animal caretakers who sell raw milk should recognize that milk from an animal with symptoms "shouldn't be put into the supply chain." However, cows early in infection, or with latent infection, or those that are only mildly symptomatic "still have high amounts of virus in their milk" and thus pose a risk to the supply chain.”

Meet the Cyber Action Team. article. Pull quote: “"We respond onsite to victims who may include national government entities, private companies, or even sometimes foreign partner networks that have been compromised by an adversary," said Scott Ledford, head of the Cyber Action Team and the Advanced Digital Forensics Team. "Our job is to help conduct the investigation—we collect digital evidence and locate, identify, and reverse engineer malware. We also help the victim understand when they were compromised and how, writing a timeline and a narrative of that intrusion with the ultimate goal of identifying who is responsible, attributing that attack."”

Republican funding plans crumbling as House eyes early exit. article. Pull quote: “Asked about plans for the House to tackle its outstanding funding bills, Scalise defended the House’s work so far, while noting the challenges staunch Democratic opposition and defections on the GOP side pose to party efforts to approve the remaining measures.” See additional reporting here -

FRA report on East Palestine derailment differs slightly from NTSB analysis. article. Pull quote: “But the NTSB, in its recommendations, urged the FRA to update its vent-and-burn guidance: “Update and re-publish your 2007 vent and burn reports to include clear instructions to consult the shipper when considering a vent and burn, more comprehensive guidance on what products are candidates for a vent and burn along with what chemical and other hazards may result, and an updated process flow chart incorporating lessons from the East Palestine vent and burn; the re-published reports should identify the questions an incident commander should ask when considering a vent and burn, distinguish the meaning of the answers, and identify the resources necessary to make an informed decision.”” FRA report link.

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