Saturday, July 13, 2024

Chemical Incident Reporting – Week of 7-6-24-24

NOTE: See here for series background.

Franklin, MA – 7-9-24

Local news reports: Here, here, and here.

Relatively small, ongoing leak of a sodium-potassium alloy (which reacts with water or moisture in the air to spontaneously ignite) resulted in a small fire in a manufacturing facility. No injuries were reported and no report of significant damage. One article includes an interesting discussion about using a local video surveillance system in the facility to monitor the hazmat team’s reaction to the incident.

Not a CSB reportable.


Local news reports: Here, here, here, and here.

A mixture of water, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and a dye mixture leaked at chemical manufacturing facility. Seventeen people were transported to a local hospital; two were admitted to ICU and 8 were admitted overnight for observation.

This is CSB reportable incident.

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