Monday, July 22, 2024

Short Takes – 7-22-24

A stellar explosion may add a temporary ‘new star’ to the night sky this summer. article. Pull quote: “The brightening point of light will not be a new star, but a nova eruption about 3,000 light-years from Earth. There, a white dwarf star orbiting a red giant tears material from its larger companion. When enough mass collects on the white dwarf’s surface, the rising pressure and temperature will trigger a blast that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye — but for only a few days to a week.”

The power of proprioception: how to improve your ‘sixth sense’ – and become healthier and happier. article. Pull quote: “Proprioceptors are receptors mainly located in the muscles, tendons and joints, which work in conjunction with our body’s other sensory systems to deliver us information on our movements and environment. These let you sense the position of your limbs or even digits – “Think about splaying out your toes: you know it’s happening without looking at them, right?” says McDowell – but also gauge the weight of objects you’re interacting with, or pick up on changes in the surface you’re walking on.”

Timeline slipping for House GOP funding plans. article. Pull quote: “But in a new floor schedule, the House laid out plans to only vote on two bills [instead of the originally planned four bills] this week, including measures to fund the departments of Interior and Energy for much of 2025, while punting plans to vote on funding proposals for agencies like the Department of Agriculture and financial services.”

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