Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Short Takes – 7-10-24

US soldiers will get electronic warfare backpacks later this year. article. Pull quote: “The Army “can turn that Manpack system back on to ourselves in an opposing force context, to force our formations to fight through a contested electromagnetic spectrum,” Maj. Gen. Paul Stanton, commander of the Army Cyber Center of Excellence, previously told Defense One.”

The Problem the US TikTok Crackdown and Kaspersky Ban Have in Common. article. Pull quote: ““The federal government rightfully has leeway to decide what software not to allow on its own networks on the basis of security and privacy concerns,” Pfefferkorn says. “But when it comes to the general public, the better approach is to set basic privacy and cybersecurity requirements for all software, not just foreign-owned apps. That’s particularly true so long as data brokers remain free to sell Americans’ data to foreign governments [emphasis added].”

Laurel Lee continues leadership on anti-terrorism standards at chemical facilities. article. Pull quote: “While CFATS has not been reauthorized, it is still being funded, which allows staff to continue working on other chemical security projects outside CFATS. But without reauthorization, that funding is in jeopardy. If Congress were to pull funding because the program is not authorized it would make it more difficult to re-staff the program in the future, advocates worry.”

Europe's Mars sample return orbiter moving ahead despite NASA budget uncertainty. article. Pull quote: “But ESA affirms that ERO will be able to adapt to any changes to Mars Sample Return mission. "The configuration of the spacecraft is robust enough to be flexible with the cargo and to help find solutions for a new architecture. ESA and our industrial partners adapted to a new scenario, staying inventive and resourceful while remaining a reliable partner for NASA," Tiago said. "We have confirmed that the Earth Return Orbiter works for what was planned to do and more, whatever the alternatives are."”

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