Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Spending Bills Considered in the House – HR 8997 and HR 8998 – 7-23-24

The House began consideration today of two spending bills, HR 8997 (the FY 2025 EWR spending bill) and HR 8998 (the FY 2025 IER spending bill), under the provisions of H Res 1370, which was approved earlier this morning by a straight party-line vote of 211 to 197 (with 24 members not voting).

HR 8997

Consideration started with HR 8997, starting with an en bloc amendment that contained 28 separate amendments. This en bloc included Amendment #30 offered by Rep Moylan (R,Guam) that calls for a CESER assessment on the cybersecurity of Guam's energy installations.  

There was an additional cybersecurity amendment that I had missed in yesterday’s post. Amendment #74 was offered by Rep Van Drew (R,NJ). It would move $10,000,000 from renewable energy programs to enhance the security of existing electrical transformers from cyber threats and from physical attacks from individuals. It was debated for 6-minutes, and a recorded vote was demanded. The amendment subsequently passed by a vote of 214 to 203 with 9 Republicans voting Nay and 10 Democrats voting Aye.

Action was completed on all amendments and a final vote was postponed, probably until tomorrow.

HR 8998

The House began consideration of HR 8998 at about 6:00 pm EDT. None of the amendments to be considered under H Res 1370 are of particular interest here. As of the time of this writing (10:43 pm EDT), the House is debating Amendment #42. With a total of 97 amendments to consider the House is unlikely to try to finish up tonight.

We will probably see final votes on both bills tomorrow afternoon.

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