Friday, July 5, 2024

Transportation Chemical Incidents – Week of 6-1-24

Reporting Background

See this post for explanation, with the most recent update here (removed from paywall).

Data from PHMSA’s online database of transportation related chemical incidents that have been reported to the agency.

Incidents Summary

• Number of incidents – 671 (570 highway, 98 air, 3 rail, water 0)

• Serious incidents – 2 (2 Bulk release, 0 evacuation, 1 injury, 0 death,0 major artery closed, 2 fire/explosion) NOTE: neither of the fire incidents were listed as ‘serious incidents’.

• Largest container involved – 24,987.5-gal DOT 111A100W1 railcar {Flammable Liquids, N.O.S.} The sample line valve was found in the open position with the plug not installed; 120-gal leaked.

• Largest amount spilled – 300.7-lbs Plastic IBC {Corrosive Solid, Acidic, Inorganic, N.O.S.}  Plastic cylinders, lids apparently loose.

NOTE: Links above are to Form 5800.1 for the described incidents.

Most Interesting Chemical: Sodium Dithionite – A  whitish to light yellow crystalline solid having a sulfur dioxide-like odor. It spontaneously heats on contact with air and moisture. This heat may be sufficient to ignite surrounding combustible materials. Under prolonged exposure to fire or intense heat containers of this material may violently rupture. Upon standing in air it slowly oxidizes, generating toxic sulfur dioxide gas. It is used in dyeing and to bleach paper pulp.


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