Friday, July 12, 2024

Short Takes – 7-12-24

Chemists develop robust molecule that gives organic electronic devices a boost. article. Pull quote: “But organic semiconductors need a helping hand from other molecules, known as dopants, to boost the flow of charge through them. For example, some dopants contain electrons in high-energy levels, which can be readily released into a semiconductor. But existing electron-donating organic dopants tend to be unstable, making them difficult to design, synthesize and handle, says Takimiya.”

Cygnus Space Freighter Readying Departure From Station Live on NASA TV. post. Pull quote: “After departure, the Kentucky Re-entry Probe Experiment-2 (KREPE-2), stowed inside Cygnus, will take measurements to demonstrate a thermal protection system for spacecraft and their contents during re-entry in Earth’s atmosphere, which can be difficult to replicate in ground simulations.” Since the craft burns up on reentry, this is a good example of testing to destruction.

Scientific definition of a planet says it must orbit our sun – A new proposal would change that. article. Pull quote: “"The current definition specifically mentions orbiting our sun. We now know about the existence of thousands of planets, but the IAU definition applies only to the ones in our solar system," Margot said. "We propose a new definition that can be applied to celestial bodies that orbit any star, stellar remnant or brown dwarf."”

SpaceX rocket fails during routine mission. article. Pull quote: “The Federal Aviation Administration, which licenses commercial rocket launches, said in a statement that it is aware of Thursday’s Falcon 9 failure, and no “public injuries or public property damage have been reported.””

SpaceX’s Rocket Failure Could Cause Delays for Lots of Launches. article. Pull quote: “The FAA said in a statement that it would require an investigation into the anomaly, aimed at determining its root cause and identifying corrective actions. The agency would have to approve SpaceX’s final report as well as any license modifications that would be required.”

Notice of Availability, Notice of Public Comment Period, and Request for Comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment for Sierra Space Dream Chaser Reentry Operations. Federal Register FAA notice. Summary: “In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality NEPA-implementing regulations, and FAA Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, the FAA is announcing the availability of and requesting comment on the draft Environmental Assessment for Sierra Space Dream Chaser Reentry Operations at the Shuttle Landing Facility, Brevard County, Florida and Contingency Reentry Site at Vandenberg Space Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (draft EA).”

China's banking turmoil: 40 banks vanish, Jiangxi leads collapse. article. Pull quote: “The debts that Chinese cities are drowning in are primarily the consequences of the real estate crisis. And the effects of the pandemic. Over the past decade, many construction projects were financed with debt. Infrastructure development was supposed to drive local growth, but following the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments lost the ability to continue investing. Meanwhile, they still have to repay old debts.”

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