Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Short Takes – 7-16-24

Cave discovered on Moon could be home for humans. BBC.com article. Pull quote: ““We have very good images of the surface - up to 25cm of resolution - we can see the Apollo landing sites - but we know nothing about what lies below the surface. There are huge opportunities for discovery,” Francesco Sauro, Coordinator of the Topical Team Planetary Caves of the European Space Agency, told BBC News.”

Underground cave found on moon could be ideal base for explorers. TheGuardian.com article. Pull quote: “Robert Wagner, a researcher at Arizona State University, said one of the biggest challenges would be access. “Getting into that pit requires descending 125 metres before you reach the floor, and the rim is a steep slope of loose debris where any movement will send little avalanches down on to anyone below,” he said. “It’s certainly possible to get in and out, but it will take a significant amount of infrastructure.””

National Hazardous Materials Route Registry. Federal Register FMCSA revision notice. Summary: “This notice provides revisions to the National Hazardous Materials Route Registry (NHMRR) reported to FMCSA from April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024. The NHMRR is a listing, as reported by States and Tribal governments, of all designated and restricted roads and preferred highway routes for transportation of highway route controlled quantities of Class 7 radioactive materials (HRCQ/RAM) and non-radioactive hazardous materials (NRHM).”

A Victim of Crime and a Threat to Democracy. LawfareMedia.org article. Pull quote: “But at the end of the day, I do not remotely repent the role we, and I personally, have played in discussing the issues Trump’s conduct has put before the American polity. I do not accept responsibility for contributing to a climate that led to the events of this past weekend, though I cannot deny we have raised the awareness level of the danger Trump presents and I acknowledge that some people do reckless horrible things with knowledge and awareness. More fundamentally, I have no intention of stopping, even as I insist that violence has no legitimate place in our political system and condemn both this act specifically and any physical attacks on politicians or anyone else for their political expression.”

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