The GPO now has the official print of S67, the Secure
Water Facilities Act, available on its web site. This bill is virtually
identical to S
711 introduced during the last session and S
3598 introduced in the 111th Congress. There are two titles in
this bill; Title 1 is the Secure Drinking Water Facilities Act and Title II is the
Secure Wastewater Treatment Facilities Act. They both do basically the same
thing but modify different laws covering existing security requirement at the
two types of facilities.
Drinking Water Treatment Facilities
This title completely re-writes §1433 of the Safe Drinking
Water Act (42
USC 300i-2). It requires the Administrator of the EPA to prepare
regulations within two years to establish {§1433(b)(1)}:
• Risk-based performance standards
(RBPS) for the security of covered (serving more than 3,300 individuals) water
systems {§1433(b)(1)(A)};
• Requirements and deadlines for
each covered water system to conduct a vulnerability assessment
{§1433(b)(1)(B)}; and
• Requirements and deadlines for
each covered water system to develop, implement, and submit to the
Administrator a site security plan{§1433(b)(1)(C)};
The RBPS would be based in part on the CFATS standards in 6
CFR §27.230. The vulnerability assessment would specifically be required to
address the risk of “a release of a substance of concern that is known, or may
be reasonably anticipated, to cause death, injury, or serious adverse effects
to human health or the environment” (§1433(d)(1).
There is still a requirement {§1433(f)} for facilities to
prepare an emergency response plan (ERP) and to certify that plan to the
Administrator, but those plans are not specifically to be included in the
regulations described above. Nor is there a requirement to submit those plans
for approval. A copy of the ERP would now be required to be provided to
• A local emergency planning
• A State emergency response
• A local law enforcement official;
[emphasis added]
• A local emergency response
There are two additional items adopted from the CFATS
program; tier ranking {§1433(h)} and substances of concern (SOC) {§1433(i)}.
The tier ranking provisions of the bill include a description of factors to be
considered and a requirement to inform system owners of why they were assigned
to a specific tier. The SOC provisions require the Administrator to develop a
list of chemicals and screening threshold quantities similar to the DHS
chemicals of interest (COI) list in Appendix
A, 6 CFR Part 27 [NOTE: the GPO is currently having problems with their
.PDF files corrupting Internet Explorer. When that is corrected this should be
a good link].
There is an inherently safer technology (IST) provision in
this bill; Methods to Reduce Consequences of Chemical Releases from Intentional
Acts {§1433(i)}. All systems with SOC in excess of the screening threshold
quantity are required to do an IST assessment as part of their site security
plan. Tier 1 and 2 (highest risk rankings) facilities may be required by State
regulatory authorities to implement assessed technologies.
Waste Water Treatment Facilities
Title II modifies Title III of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1311) by adding §321 at the end. It establishes that a
covered facility is one that has a treatment capacity of 2,500,000 gallons per
day. The remainder of the Title is the same as Title I with the exception of
some minor word changes to reflect the differences in the types of facilities
No Way Forward
There was just one
hearing held during the 111th Congress that Sen. Lautenberg
(D,NJ) chaired that addressed the IST provisions in this bill, but no other
work has been done on the two earlier versions of the bill. While the most
vociferous opponent of IST requirements (contained in a weakened version in
this bill for water treatment plants), Sen. Collins (R,ME) is no longer in the
Senate, it is unlikely that this bill will move through the Senate Environment
and Public Works Committee, very little does.
It is remotely possible that this bill could pass in the
Senate if it came to a vote there. The water treatment industry does not have a
large and powerful lobby and has never been vociferously opposed to IST like
the chemical industry has. This bill would receive no consideration in the
House even though there is some support for including water treatment and waste
water treatment facilities with high-risk chemicals on site in the CFATS
regulations. The IST provisions of the bill would, however, produce a knee jerk
reaction in the Republican leadership that would prevent its consideration.