Monday, July 8, 2024

Review - HR 8772 Introduced – FY 2025 Legislative Spending

Last month, Rep Valadao (R,CA) introduced HR 8772, FY 2025 legislative spending. The bill provides for spending to support operations of the Congress of the United States. The bill contains one cybersecurity provision, and the report of the House Appropriations Committee that accompanies the bill contains two cybersecurity discussions.

Moving Forward

The House Rules Committee is scheduled to meet this afternoon to formulate the rule for the consideration of the bill. Thirty-six amendments have been proposed to the Committee. None of them are of specific interest here. This bill will pass later this week, probably along partisan lines. The Senate version of the bill has yet to be crafted, but that is the language that will be considered in the Senate if/when this bill is taken up by that body.


For more details about the cybersecurity coverage in this bill and report, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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