Monday, July 22, 2024

H Res 1370 – Rule for Consideration of HR 8997 and HR 8998

Earlier today, the House Rules Committee met to formulate the rule for the consideration of HR 8997, the FY 2025 EWR spending bill, and HR 8998, the FY 2025 IER spending bill. The Committee crafted H Res 1370 to govern the consideration of the two bills. The Committee also published their Report to accompany H Res 1370.

The rule provides that both bills will be addressed separately under nearly identical structured rules. This limits debate and provides a limited number of amendments that will be considered for each bill on the floor of the House. The allowed amendments are listed in appendixes to Committee’s Report; 65 amendments for HR 8997 and 97 amendments for HR 8998. Text of the authorized amendments are included in the Report.

In my CFSN Detailed Analysis post (subscription required) for HR 8997 I identified one amendment submitted by Rep Moylan (R,Guam) that might be of interest here; that amendment was included in the list of 65 amendments to be offered on the floor – Amendment # 30 (link to original amendment submitted to the Rules Committee). That amendment proposed to increase and decreases the Department of Energy Energy Programs, Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response account to emphasize the need of Guam Power Authority for a Department of Energy assessment on the cybersecurity of Guam's energy installations.

In my CFSN Detailed Analysis post (subscription required) for HR 8997 I identified one amendment submitted by Rep DeSaulnier (D,CA) that might be of interest here; that amendment was not included in the floor package for the bill. DeSaulnier’s amendment would have increased the FY 2025 spending for the Chemical Safety Board by $1 million.


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