Monday, June 3, 2024

Short Takes – 6-3-24

New antibiotic targets only gram-negative bacteria, sparing the gut. article. Pull quote: “When the Hergenrother group grew colonies of Escherichia coli, K. Pneumoniae, and Enterobacter cloacae in favorable conditions alongside lolamicin, resistance quickly appeared. The bacteria were changing individual amino acids in the LolC and LolE proteins, making it harder for the antibiotic to mess with their ability to transport lipoproteins across the membranes.”

Why the New Human Case of Bird Flu Is So Alarming. NYTimes commentary (free). Pull quote: “Despite its importance and repeated calls for its use, serology testing for H5N1 has been virtually non-existent in this outbreak. Without serology testing by state or local health officials, we are most likely missing many cases, particularly among asymptomatic people or those with mild symptoms. This underreporting skews our understanding of the virus’s spread and hampers our ability to respond effectively.”

UN forecasts La Nina could help lower temperatures this year. article. Pull quote: “The WMO said there was a "60 percent" chance of La Niña conditions in the period from July to September and a "70 percent" likelihood during August-November.” 

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