Sunday, June 16, 2024

Review – Public ICS Disclosures – Week of 6-8-24 – Part 3

For Part 3 we have 53 researcher reports for products from Cinterion, Deep Sea Electronics (6), Delta Electronics (41), Luxion (2), Advantech, Schneider, and ZKTeco. We have one exploit for products from Zyxel. Finally, I would like to briefly mention a journal article: “On the cybersecurity of smart structures under wind”.

Researcher Reports

Advantech Report - The Zero Day Initiative published a report that describes a disclosure of sensitive information vulnerability in the Advantech iView network management tool.

Cinterion Report - Kaspersky Labs published a report that describes seven vulnerabilities in multiple Cinterion modems.

Deep Sea Electronics Report - ZDI published six reports describing vulnerabilities in the Deep Sea Electonics DSE855 USB to Ethernet Communications Device.

Delta Electronics Reports - ZDI published 43 reports (ZDI-24-620 through ZDI-24-663) about vulnerabilities in the Delta Electronics CNCSoft-G2.

Luxion Reports - ZDI published two reports about vulnerabilities in the Luxion KeyShot product.

Schneider Report - ZDI published a report describing an exposed dangerous method vulnerability in the Schneider APC Easy UPS Online application.

ZKTeco Report - Kaspersky published a report describing six vulnerabilities in products from ZKTeco.


Zyxel Exploit - UB3RSICK published a Metasploit module for an OS command injection vulnerability (that is listed in CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerability Catalog) in Zyxel’s firewall products.


Structural Cybersecurity – This week Miguel Cid Montoya (et al) published an article in the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics: “On the cybersecurity of smart structures under wind”.


For more information on these disclosures, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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