Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Review - Committee Hearings – Week of 6-9-24

This week with both the House and Senate in session, we have a moderately busy hearing schedule. In the House we have continued work of FY 2025 spending bills. The Senate Armed Services Committee will be holding a series of closed hearings this week on formulating the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act. In the House there will be hearings on a rule for HR 8070, the FY 2025 NDAA, Microsoft vulnerabilities and regulatory duplication.

Spending Bill Hearings

Spending Bills





Full Committee

DOD, FinServ, Legislative

Full Committee

NDAA Rule - Today, the House Rules Committee will hold a hearing on “HR 8070 - Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025”.

Microsoft Vulnerabilities - On Thursday, the House Homeland Security Committee will hold a hearing on “A Cascade of Security Failures: Assessing Microsoft Corporation’s Cybersecurity Shortfalls and the Implications for Homeland Security”.

Regulatory Duplication - On Thursday, the Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee will hold a hearing on “What We Have Here…is a Failure to Collaborate: Review of GAO’s Annual Duplication Report”.


For more information on these hearings, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - https://patrickcoyle.substack.com/p/committee-hearings-week-of-6-9-24 - subscription required. This is the latest regular posting that I am moving to my Substack site.

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