Saturday, June 8, 2024

Bills Introduced – 6-7-24

Yesterday, with the House and Senate meeting in pro forma session, there were 33 bills introduced. Once of those bills will receive additional information in this blog:

HR 8654 To direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a review of the Homeland Security Information Network, and for other purposes. Ezell, Mike [Rep.-R-MS-4]

The HSIN homepage describes it as “the Department of Homeland Security's official system for trusted sharing of Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information between federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, international and private sector partners.” One use that has been frequently mentioned here is the sharing of critical control system vulnerability information with critical infrastructure facilities before the vulnerability is made public. I look forward to seeing the purpose and scope of the proposed ‘review’.

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