Thursday, June 6, 2024

Bills Introduced – 6-5-24

Yesterday, with both the House and Senate in session, there were 68 bills introduced. One of those bills will receive additional coverage in this blog:

S 4485 A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for en bloc consideration in resolutions of disapproval for "midnight rules", and for other purposes. Johnson, Ron [Sen.-R-WI]

‘Midnight Rules’ or ‘Midnight Regulations’ (note: this Wikipedia page has not been updated for the Trump Administration rules) are final rules that are published between the election of a new president and the inauguration. Johnson is intending to make it easier to complete a wholesale blanking of Biden Administration regulations on January 21st. Meanwhile, Biden has ensured that the most controversial and important regulatory changes have been made while he can still veto disapproval legislation. This bill could still have long-term implications, depending on how it is worded.

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