Thursday, June 13, 2024

House Considers HR 8070 – FY 2025 NDAA – 6-13-24

Today, the House continued consideration of HR 8070, the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act. Debate on amendments ended today at 3:36 pm EDT with amendment #55. Debate will resume tomorrow.

Earlier in the debate (3:41 pm EDT), the House considered en bloc amendments #2 and #3 which included 123 less-controversial amendments between #4 and #234. The House approved the en bloc amendments by a voice votes. They included two more of the fourteen amendments I discussed Wednesday morning:

124. Green (TN): Mandates that the Department of Defense produce a report to Congress on the feasibility of furnishing the national guard of every state a cyber unit to ensure the state has the ability to quickly respond to cyber attacks. (10 minutes), and

141. Himes (CT), Crawford (AR), Bergman (MI): Expresses the sense of Congress the importance of comprehensive cislunar Space Domain Awareness capabilities and the need to ensure the safety of flight of civil and commercial missions in cislunar space. Directs the Chief of Space Operations to deliver a report on three things: requirements for cislunar, the department’s plan for researching and developing technologies for cislunar, and how the department coordinates with the Cislunar Technology Strategy Interagency Working Group regarding the progress made on the objectives laid out in the November 2022 National Cislunar Science and Technology Strategy. (10 minutes).

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