Monday, June 24, 2024

Short Takes – 6-24-24

Norfolk Southern said ahead of the NTSB hearing that railroads will examine vent and burn decisions. article. Pull quote: “Days before the National Transportation Safety Board is set to explain why first responders were wrong to blow open five tank cars and burn the toxic chemical inside after the East Palestine derailment, Norfolk Southern said Friday it plans to lead an industrywide effort to improve the way those decisions are made.”

House set to dive into spending bills. article. Pull quote: “The trio of bills all advanced out of the appropriations committee despite opposition from Democrats, meaning they are all but certain to languish in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Top House Republicans, however, are still moving forward with the votes, hoping the cleared legislation will put them on stronger footing during negotiations with the Senate down the road.”

NASA again postpones return of Boeing Starliner crew from space. article. Pull quote: “For now, it is unclear exactly when flight commander Butch Wilmore and pilot Suni Williams will make their return from space. The agency did indicate that they are evaluating dates after the station’s two planned space walks on June 24 and July 2.”

U.S. is 'flying blind' with bird flu, repeating mistakes of COVID, health experts say. article. Pull quote: “As the outbreak grows — with at least 114 herds infected in 12 states as of June 18 — researchers said the CDC and FDA are not moving fast enough to remove barriers that block clinical labs from testing. In one case, the diagnostics company Neelyx Labs was on hold with a query for more than a month.”

Luna to force vote on obscure maneuver forcing sergeant-at-arms to detain Garland. article. Pull quote: “House rules state that “the recalcitrant witness may be arrested and brought to trial before the bar of the House, with the offender facing possible incarceration,” but do not go into additional detail. A 2019 Congressional Research Service report described inherent contempt as a potentially powerful threat, but also a “cumbersome, inefficient” tool.”

Keep Mosquitoes Away with These Tried-and-True Repellents. article. Pull quote: “PMD is a strong DEET alternative, Fonseca says, especially for people who are seeking a naturally occurring chemical or put off by DEET’s strong odor and greasy texture. PMD is found in eucalyptus plants and, combined with water and a small amount of ethanol, is sometimes sold under the name “oil of lemon eucalyptus.” Icaridin is another synthetic option, Fonseca adds, noting that the latter is often sold in lower concentrations than DEET and PMD and therefore must be applied more often.”

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