Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bills Introduced – 6-18-24

Yesterday, with the Senate in Washington and the House meeting in pro forma session, there were 67 bills introduced. Two of those bills may receive additional attention in this blog:

HR 8775 To require an assessment on manual operations for critical infrastructure, and for other purposes. Crenshaw, Dan [Rep.-R-TX-2]

S 4572 A bill to direct the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, to conduct a study of the national security risks posed by consumer routers, modems, and devices that combine a modem and router, and for other purposes. Blackburn, Marsha [Sen.-R-TN]

I will be covering HR 8775.

I will be watching S 4572 for language and definitions that would specifically include the consideration of industrial control system in critical infrastructure operations as part of the ‘national security risks’ to be included in the scope of the study required by this bill

Mention in Passing

I would like to mention in passing one space-technology bill introduced yesterday:

HR 8787 To establish a demonstration program for the active remediation of orbital debris and to require the development of uniform orbital debris standard practices in order to support a safe and sustainable orbital environment, and for other purposes. Neguse, Joe [Rep.-D-CO-2] 

As the number of commercial space launches continues to increase, the problem of space debris is going to be an even larger problem as time progresses. It will be interesting to see how the bill intends to fund the demonstration program.

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