Thursday, June 27, 2024

Short Takes – 6-27-24 – Space Geek Edition

Historic Moon Mission Moves China Ahead in Space Race With U.S. article. Pull quote: “At the [April congressional] hearing, Nelson said China’s territorial claims offer a warning of how China might behave. During a visit to the White House in 2015, Chinese leader Xi Jinping pledged that China wouldn’t militarize the South China Sea. But it has since built airfields and missile silos on islands claimed by the Philippines and other nations, insisting it has exclusive rights over the region.”

NASA picks SpaceX to create a space station killer. article. Pull quote: “Neither NASA nor SpaceX has released a design concept for the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle. However, SpaceX has a wide array of spacecraft designs it could start with, including its Starship super-rocket (currently in testing) and its Dragon XL cargo vehicle (which NASA selected for supplying its future Gateway in lunar orbit). Who knows? It might even be a hopped-up version of the Dragon capsule that started delivering cargo to the ISS way back in 2012.”

NASA awards SpaceX contract for space station deorbit vehicle. article. Pull quote: “NASA, in its solicitation for the USDV, emphasized the importance of vehicle reliability. “It will be a new spacecraft design or modification to an existing spacecraft that must function on its first flight and have sufficient redundancy and anomaly recovery capability to continue the critical deorbit burn,” it said in a statement last fall when it released the request for proposals for the vehicle.”

Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter. article. Pull quote: “In the roughly 88-minute window of RESURS-P1's initial break-up, the Plesetsk [Russian ASAT] launch site was one of many locations on Earth it passed over, but there was no immediate indication from airspace or maritime alerts that Russia had launched a missile to strike the satellite, space-tracker and Harvard astronomer Jonathan McDowell said.”

Two Killer Asteroids Are Flying by Earth, and You May Be Able to See One. article. Pull quote: “However, two days later, the smaller space rock, named 2024 MK will get considerably nearer to humanity. On Saturday, at 9:46 a.m. Eastern time, it will zip by Earth at 75 percent of the distance to the moon. If you have a decent backyard telescope or perhaps even with some good binoculars, and your skies are cloud-free, you could see the 400- to 850-foot rock as a speck of light zipping across the starry sky ahead of the sun coming up.”

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