Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bills Introduced – 07-12-17

Yesterday with both the House and Senate in session there were 46 bills introduced. Of those, four may be of specific interest to readers of this blog:

HR 3191 To prohibit the use of Federal funds to establish, support, or otherwise promote a joint cybersecurity initiative with Russia, and for other purposes. Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. [D-PA-13]

HR 3198 To provide for Federal Aviation Administration research and development, and for other purposes. Rep. Knight, Stephen [R-CA-25]

HR 3202 To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report on cyber vulnerability disclosures, and for other purposes. Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]

S 1544 A bill to prevent Federal funds from being used to establish a cybersecurity unit in cooperation with the Russian Federation.  Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]

HR 3191 and S 1544 are almost certainly political statements rather than a serious attempt at legislating, but they will be followed here for their potential effects on cybersecurity programs of the US government.

HR 3198 will only be followed if it includes cybersecurity provisions.

I will be watching HR 3202 for possible specific language related to industrial control systems.

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