Monday, June 23, 2014

OMB Approves First Responder Communities of Practice ICR

Friday, the OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) announced that it had given a short term approval (1 year) to the DSH S&T’s information collection request renewal for their First Responder Communities of Practice (FRCoP) program. This covers the registration information collected by S&T for that program.

This is not in response to the 60-day ICR notice that I wrote about last week. Apparently S&T knew about the short term renewal that was going to be published and was trying to get an early start on that renewal.

This renewal contains the same ‘Terms of Clearance’ notice as did the previous approval from March of last year:

“If DHS submits a renewal of this collection, it should include a report with the following information: • How the First Responders Community of Practice is being used. Has the intended audience been reached? • An analysis by DHS of the practical utility of the collection. • An analysis by DHS of other similar platforms currently in use by first responders.”

So apparently S&T is being given a second chance to get this information right.

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