Thursday, January 19, 2023

Short Takes – 1-19-23

HDL ‘good’ cholesterol isn’t always good for heart health. article. Pull quote: “A person’s HDL cholesterol level is just one part of the story, though. Commonly reported on blood tests, the level reflects the amount of cholesterol that HDL particles have on board. HDL carries cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver to be excreted. This helps keep cholesterol from building up in artery walls, which can eventually impede blood flow.”

3 Lessons Learned in Vulnerability Management. article. Pull quote: “All organizations have a responsibility when it comes to incident response and vulnerability management. Spending time educating on the technicality of how a vulnerability works and the potential exposure around technologies vulnerabilities often target can go a long way in seeing trouble before it starts.”

These are the House GOP power players in the 118th Congress. article. Pull quote: “Republicans can only afford to lose four members on votes, assuming all Democrats vote in opposition and all members cast a vote, meaning any group of four or more GOP lawmakers can hold up legislation brought to the House floor.” Which also means 4 Republicans can side with Democrats to pass legislation. This could get interesting.

Substation attacks may lead to new energy security rules in 2023, experts say. article. Pull quote: ““Unfortunately, with 55,000 substations nationally, there are obvious risk-based limitations on addressing physical threats that need to be managed,” Christopher said. “The industry should expect further regulatory inquiries and potential actions from the federal government in response.””

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