Friday, January 6, 2023

2-Day NMSAC Meeting – January 24th-25th

The Coast Guard published a meeting notice in today’s Federal Register (88 FR 1080-1081) for a two-day meeting of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee (NMSAC) in Baton Rouge, LA on January 24th and 25th, 2023. The public may attend in either personal or virtual modes.

The agenda for the meeting includes:

• Discussion of Task T-2021-2: Provide input to support further development of the Maritime Cyber Risk Assessment Model,

• Discussion of Task T-2022-4: Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Reader Program,

• Discussion of Task T-2022-5: Working Group on Cybersecurity Information Sharing, and

• Update on TSA programs to secure vessels and facilities from mass shooter events.

Registration is required. To register for either live or virtual attendance, contact Ryan Owens ( before January 22nd. Personnel wishing to provide written comments on the agenda topics may do so via the Federal eRulemaking Portal (, docket # USCG-2022-1001).

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