Wednesday, January 4, 2023

End of 117th Congress

Yesterday, before the House and Senate convened the first meetings of the 118th Congress, the two bodies met in pro forma session one last time for the 117th Congress. Some house keeping was done on the House side of the Hill, with various end-of-session Committee Reports being filed. There were five bills introduced in the House. Finally, both the House and Senate adjourned just before noon sine die.

The web site had a bit of a melt-down in the last two weeks of the 117th Congress, being unable to keep up with the daily publication of the Congressional Record, publication of committee reports and the publication of newly introduced bills. Part of this was due to the last-minute publication of two very large bills (the NDAA and the Omnibus spending bill), and a large number of Committee reports on legislation from the Senate and House Homeland Security Committees. With the inevitable holiday staffing issues, they are just now getting back up to speed.

Hopefully, they will be prepared for a new surge in legislative introductions in the coming weeks.

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