Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bills Introduced – 05-20-14

Both the Senate and House were in session yesterday and a total of 31 bills were introduced. Four of those bills may be of specific interest to readers of this blog:

HR 4687 Latest Title: To amend title 49, United States Code, to provide for the inspection of pipeline facilities that are transferred by sale and pipeline facilities that are abandoned, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Hahn, Janice (D,CA)

HR 4689 Latest Title: To require a plan approved by the Surface Transportation Board for the long-term storage of rail cars on certain railroad tracks. Sponsor: Rep Kline, John (R,MN)

S 2354 Latest Title: A bill to improve cybersecurity recruitment and retention. Sponsor: Sen Carper, Thomas R. (D,DE)

S 2365 Latest Title: A bill to prohibit the long-term storage of rail cars on certain railroad tracks unless the Surface Transportation Board has approved the rail carrier's rail car storage plan. Sponsor: Sen Klobuchar, Amy (D,MN)

The two railcar storage bills are probably identical companion measures. I’ll report on them if they contain specific language referring to railcars containing hazardous chemicals.

I suspect that the cybersecurity bill refers to ‘recruitment and retention’ in the Federal sector, so it may not get any additional coverage unless the language will have specific impact on the private sector.

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