Thursday, July 29, 2010

HSINAC Meeting 08-31-10

According to a notice in today’s Federal Register, the DHS Homeland Security Information Network Advisory Committee (HSINAC) will hold a two-day public meeting starting on August 31, 2010 in Potomac, MD. The meeting will be open to the public but the public will not be allowed to participate in the discussions. Seating will be limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. According to that notice the mission of the HSINAC “is to identify issues and provide to senior leadership of the Department, in particular the Director of Operations Coordination and Planning, independent advice and recommendations for the improvement of the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN)” (75 FR 44801). The agenda for this meeting includes:
HSIN NextGen and the Common Operating Picture upgrade, The HSIN NextGen capabilities release schedule, The DHS portal consolidation program, Interoperability across Federal systems, The HSIN business case update, Desired future HSIN capabilities, and Relocation of the HSIN program.
Written materials and comments for Committee consideration and requests to make an oral statement can be submitted by email( and the docket number (DHS-2010-0061) must be included. Submissions must be made by August 20th.

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