Egg prices may increase up to 20% as top farm tests positive for bird flu: USDA. article. Pull quote: “Rose Acres Farms, which claims to be the second-largest egg producer in the United States, released a statement on Tuesday saying that it had detected cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) at Cort Acre Egg Farm in Seymour, Indiana.”
Egg prices near $9 a dozen in California, and that won’t change anytime soon. article. Pull quote: “Anytime the virus is found on a poultry farm, the entire flock is slaughtered to help limit the virus’ spread. And with massive egg farms routinely housing more than 1 million chickens, just a few infections can cause a supply crunch.”
Tests identify H5N9 avian flu at California duck farm. article. Pull quote: “Angela Rasmussen, PhD, a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, said on X today that the H5N9 detection suggests reassortment of circulating H5N1 viruses with avian flu virus that contains the N9 neuraminidase (NA). She added that replication in coinfected hosts can produce unpredictable new reassortant viruses.”
Will bird flu spark a human pandemic? Scientists say the
risk is rising. article. Pull
quote: “There are two main variants of H5N1 that researchers are monitoring:
one, called B3.13, is spreading mainly in cows; the other, called D1.1, is
found mostly in wild and domesticated birds, including chickens raised for
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