Monday, January 13, 2025

Reader Comment – TSDB Screening for ChemLock

I got some feedback yesterday on LinkedIn on my weekend post on ChemLock and Tiering.  Philip Polios left a comment that suggested that ChemLock authorization should include allowing facilities to vet employees using the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).

The CFATS program had this as part of their personnel surety program, and lots of people in the chemical industry have commented on the lack of this vetting process since the CFATS lapse as one of the major reasons that they wanted to see the program reinstated.

I had always planned on including this in the discussion about ChemLock, but it is helps to get this sort of feedback from readers.

As always, anyone with further suggestions about this series of blog posts, or chemical security/safety in general, feel free to contact me either through my social media feeds or using my contact information on LinkedIn. 

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