Saturday, January 25, 2025

Chemical Incident Reporting – Week of 1-18-25

NOTE: See here for series background.

San Antonio, TX – 1-11-25

Local News Report: Here, here, and here.

There was a small anhydrous ammonia leak at a food distribution warehouse. As many as five people were transported to the hospital. All were reportedly released after examination. There is no report of damages.

Not a CSB reportable.


Local News Report: Here, here, here, and here.

Firefighters responding to fire at food processing facility were exposed to caustic soda in the residual fire fighting water. There were caustic soda beads stored in the area where the fire was being fought. There were 25 firefighters and 1 employee transported to a local hospital for minor chemical burns. All were released from the hospital. No damage reports were included.

Probably not CSB reportable.

NOTE: Caustic soda beads (typically called prills) are readily soluble in water, making a highly corrosive, high pH solution. Heat is produced by the act of dissolving (or diluting), so depending on how close individuals were to the stored bags, they also could have had hot water burns. They may see some of those released personnel going back for further treatment after their blisters break. That could lead to hospitalizations, making this a reportable incident.

Port Orange, FL – 1-22-25

Local News Report: Here, here, and here.

There was a chlorine gas release at a wastewater treatment plant after a bulk chemical unloading incident. No information was provided about the two chemicals involved, but their mixture was expected to create chlorine gas. A local neighborhood evacuation was ordered as a precaution. No injuries or damages were reported.

Not CSB reportable.

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