Friday, January 31, 2025

Review - HR 108 Introduced – Space Research Innovation Act

Earlier this month Rep Biggs (R,AZ) introduced HR 108, the Space Research Innovation Act. The bill would require NASA to establish a university-affiliated research center to fund analyses and engineering support related to cis-lunar and deep-space missions and interplanetary research. No new funding would be authorized by this legislation.

The text of this bill is identical to that of HR 120 that was introduced by Biggs in January of 2023. No action was taken on that bill in the 118th Congress.

Moving Forward

Biggs is not a member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee to which this bill was assigned for consideration. This means that there is little chance that he would have the influence necessary to see the bill considered in Committee. Biggs has additional problems getting legislation passed. While he is a prolific crafter of bills (138 bills so far this session and 1,102 bills in the 118th), his reputation as a ‘bomb thrower’ and inability to compromise makes it difficult for him to form the necessary coalitions to see bills through the legislative process.


For more details about the proposed legislation, including a commentary about doing more with less funding, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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