Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Short Takes – 9-11-24

Official: DHS cyber review board will announce next investigation ‘soon’. article. Pull quote: “Asked if the body might dig into the global computer outage caused by a flawed CrowdStrike software update last July, Silvers noted the board has a list of criteria an incident must meet in order to be reviewed but did not elaborate further.”

Mike Johnson pulls stopgap funding plan over widespread GOP opposition. article. Pull quote: “The move by Johnson catapults House GOP leadership back to square one, now needing to craft a conservative stopgap that could pass the House and, in turn, increase the party’s leverage in negotiations with Senate Democrats.”

Defense hawks oppose House GOP’s six-month CR plan. article. Pull quote: “Now GOP defense hawks, who worry about the impact of not increasing funding for the Pentagon, say they want to see a shorter CR in the next iteration of Johnson’s plan.”

Congress Failed to Restore the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). How Can We Avoid the Next 9/11 and Protect America? article. Pull quote: “Now is not the time for policymakers to forget the costly lessons of the past. Congress must act now to restore CFATS and pass legislation to help counter the growing threats posed by drones. The White House must also do its part and direct EPA to fix critical flaws in its new RMP program and direct the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) to finalize its long overdue rule to help protect critical infrastructure from drone attacks. Securing the future is never easy but adopting these policies will certainly help the ongoing fight against terrorism.”

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