Wednesday, September 4, 2024

OMB Approves FHWA RFI on Medium and Heavy-Duty Charging Stations

Yesterday, the OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) announced that it had approved a request for information from the DOT’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on “Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on Medium and Heavy-Duty Electric Charging Technologies and Infrastructure Needs”. The RFI was sent to OMB on June 25th, 2024.

This rulemaking was not listed in the Spring 2024 Unified Agenda, but that is not too unusual at this stage of the rulemaking process.

I suspect that the RFI will include a selection of cybersecurity related questions. If there are no such questions, the only coverage for the publication of this RFI will be a mention in the appropriate Short Takes post.

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