Tuesday, September 24, 2024

HR 3208 Passed in House – DHS Cybersecurity OJT

After debating HR 3208, the DHS Cybersecurity On-the-Job Training Program Act, yesterday for almost six minutes, the House completed consideration today, passing the bill in a somewhat bipartisan vote of 377 to 43, all the nay votes were Republicans. The bill would establish in CISA “the ‘DHS Cybersecurity On-the-Job Training Program’ to voluntarily train Department employees who are not currently in a cybersecurity position for work in matters relating to cybersecurity at the Department.”

The bill now heads to the Senate. It is not likely to be considered under regular order. While the bill could be brought up under the suspension of the rules process, the level of opposition from Republicans in the House would likely mean that Rep Paul (R,KY), Sen Johnson, (R,WI), or Sen Tuberville (R,AL) would object to such action. Since Paul is the Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, he would have virtual veto authority to prevent the bill being added to an omnibus spending bill later in the session.

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