Tuesday, September 24, 2024

CSB Adds Cuisine Ammonia Release Investigation

Yesterday the Chemical Safety Board added a fifth investigation to its ‘Current Investigations’ web page, the Cuisine Solutions Ammonia Release. The CSB reported initiating the investigation on August 1st, 2024. The newly published report page describes the incident:

“A July 31, 2024 ammonia release at Cuisine Solutions, Inc., a food processing facility in Loudon County, VA led to the hospitalization of 33 workers, with some in serious condition. The facility is a commercial food preparation plant with approximately 350 employees located about 30 miles from Washington D.C.”

The Washington Post has a pretty good article describing the incident, with a follow up article here.

There have been no updates to the investigation status since the original announcement.

There have been two other two recently ‘announced’ investigations (here and here), neither have yet made it to the ‘Current Investigations’ page.

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