Thursday, September 5, 2024

Review – 2 Advisories and 2 Updates Published – 9-5-24

Today, CISA’s NCCIC-ICS published a control system security advisory for products from Hughes, and a medical device security advisory for products from Baxter. They also updated two advisories for products from Mitsubishi.


Hughes Advisory - This advisory describes two vulnerabilities in the Hughes WL3000 Fusion Software.

Baxter Advisory - This advisory describes two vulnerabilities in the Baxter Connex Health Portal.


Mitsubishi Update #1 - This update provides additional information on an advisory that was originally published on October 29th, 2020, and most recently updated on December 19th, 2023.

Mitsubishi Update #2 - This update provides additional information on an advisory that was originally published on December 22nd, 2022, and most recently updated on July 9th, 2024.


For more information on these advisories, including brief summaries of changes made in the updates, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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