Tuesday, May 14, 2024

UAS Use Hearing – 5-16-24

Earlier today, in reporting on Congressional Hearings, I noted that without “a witness list it is hard to tell, but there is a possibility that UAS cybersecurity issues could be part of this topic.” Well, a witness list has since been published for Thursday’s hearing. It includes:

• John M. Chell, New York City Police Department,

• Kaz Daughtry, New York City Police Department,

• Kevin Fetterman, Orange County Fire Authority,

• Michael Robbins, Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International, and

• Rahul Sidhu, Aerodome

It looks like Robbins and Sidhu were selected as witnesses for the technical background their organizations bring to the UAS as first responders topic. Robbins, in particular has been working on UAS cybersecurity issues with CISA. It will be interesting to see if his testimony addresses the topic.

The controlling factor for this hearing is if the committee staff has prepped any of the Members to ask cybersecurity related questions. If so, this could be an interesting hearing, but do not hold your breath.

Some questions that I would like to see asked:

• How much will GPS spoofing or jamming affect UAS use beyond visual line of site?

• How often will RF signal dead spaces in urban areas interfere with UAS response?

• Will UAS vendors be proactive in notifying emergency response organizations about UAS cybersecurity vulnerabilities?

• How will emergency response teams respond to counter UAS technology used against friendly drones?

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