Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Committee Hearings – Week 5-20-24

This week, with both the House and Seante in session, there is a moderately heavy hearing schedule. The House is starting hearings on FY 2025 spending bills. The FY 2025 NDAA also gets a full committee hearing this week.

FY 2025 Spending Bills



Mil Construction


Legislative Branch


Mil Construction

Full Committee

This is relatively early in the year to start marking up spending bills, but if there is any chance in getting any of these bills done before September 30th, action is going to have to start now. Theoretically, these two are the least controversial bills. Probably the only matter of real contention between the House and Senate on these two bills will be the spending levels, with the House Republicans again poised to call for steep spending cuts (probably less steep on these two bills).

Commentary: It will be interesting to see if the House Republicans have the votes to pass a bill that will even come close to satisfying the fringe elements of the party. It is going to be a long summer.

FY 2025 NDAA

On Wednesday, the House Armed Forces Committee will hold their markup hearing for HR 8070, the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement Act. This will also be the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The hearing page provides links to the various subcommittee markups. Of interest here is the Subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technologies, and Innovation print. There are only two sections in that print that appears to be of specific interest here:

Section 221—Plan for Establishment of Secure Computing and Data Storage Environment for Testing of Artificial Intelligence Trained on Biological Data, and

Section 1511—Protective Measures for Mobile Devices within the Department of Defense

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