Friday, May 24, 2024

First FY 2025 Spending Bill Teed Up in House

Yesterday, the House Rules Committee announced the deadline for submitting amendments to be considered during the consideration of the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025. That deadline is next Wednesday while the House is out on their Memorial Day recess. This means that the bill is likely to be considered the following week when they return on June 3rd (Rules Committee hearing likely on June 3rd, rule vote in the House possible on June 4th).

A quick review of the Committee Print of the bill reveals nothing of specific interest here (not unusual). Last year’s Consolidated Appropriations Act (HR 4366) provided $2,022,775,000 overall military construction spending under DIVISION A, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024. The Committee draft proposes $2,217,757,000, a 9.6% increase over last year. This bill affects spending in almost every congressional district in the country. It is easy to see why the Leadership is stepping up with this bill first.

On the other hand, veterans’ compensation spending drops from $15.1 billion to $9.8 billion (pg 26), a 35.1% decrease.

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