Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bills Introduced – 5-21-24

Yesterday, with both the House and Senate in session, there were 46 bills introduced. One of those bills will receive additional attention in this blog:

HR 8469 Introduced - To establish in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security a program to promote the cybersecurity field to disadvantaged communities, including older individuals, racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, geographically diverse communities, socioeconomically diverse communities, women, individuals from nontraditional educational paths, individuals who are veterans, and individuals who were formerly incarcerated, and for other purposes. Brown, Shontel M. [Rep.-D-OH-11] 

That description covers such a wide base of potential individual to be the focus of the program, I will be interested in seeing how the crafters of this bill expect a single program to adequately address each of the varying constituencies.

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