Wednesday, May 15, 2024

House Passes HR 4510 – NTIA Reauthorization

Yesterday, the House began consideration of HR 4510, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Reauthorization Act of 2023, under the suspension of the rules process. After about 14 minutes of debate, a recorded vote was demanded. That vote took place this evening. The House passed the bill by a vote of 374 to 36. The legislation now goes to the Senate.

The Senate is unlikely to take up HR 4510 under regular order. With 32 of the 36 nay votes coming from conservative fringe elements of the House, it would seem to be very likely that one of their compatriots in the Senate would object to the bill if it were offered under the Senate’s unanimous consent process. This would mean that the bill would have to be added to some other piece of major legislation as an amendment for this to move forward.

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