Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Review - CISA Publishes New 60-day ICR Notice for Infrastructure Visualization Platform

Yesterday, CISA published a new 60-day information collection request (ICR) in the Federal Register (89 FR 44695-44696) for Infrastructure Visualization Platform (IVP) Pre-Collection Questionnaire. This new ICR will support critical infrastructure security assessment efforts by CISA’s Protective Security Advisors (PSA). The collection would be for the facility questionnaire that would have to be filled out before the on-sight data collection would take place.

CISA provides the following burden estimates to support this ICR.

NOTE: The annualized respondent cost appears to be the standard calculation for personnel costs for the time to fill out the questionnaire.

A copy of the questionnaire that is covered by this ICR notice will not be publicly available until CISA submits the ICR to OIRA after the 30-day ICR notice is published.

Public Comments

CISA is soliciting public comment on this ICR notice. Comments may be submitted via the Federal eRulemaking Portal (; Docket # CISA-2024-0012). Comments should be submitted by July 22nd, 2024.


For more information on this ICR notice, including background information on the IVP program, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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