Monday, May 20, 2024

HR 7589 Reported in House – ROUTERS Act

Last week the House Energy and Commerce Committee published their report for HR 7589 [removed from paywall], the Removing Our Unsecure Technologies to Ensure Reliability and Security (ROUTERS) Act. The bill would require the Department of Commerce to conduct a study on the national security risks of routers and modems manufactured in China. No new funding is authorized by the legislation. The Committee met on March 20th, 2024 to markup 28 bills, including the ROUTER Act. The bill was adopted without amendment by a vote of 43 to 0. The legislation is now cleared for potential action by the House.

There is no Congressional Budget Office report on HR 7589 included in the Report.

Moving Forward

The unanimous vote in the Energy and Commerce Committee indicates that the bill has broad bipartisan support. This makes the bill a strong candidate for consideration under the suspension of the rules process. This prohibits floor amendments, limits debate, and requires a super-majority vote for passage.

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