Saturday, August 12, 2023

Bills Introduced – 8-11-23

Bills Introduced – 8-11-23

Yesterday, with the House and Senate meeting in pro forma session, there were 25 bills introduced. One of those bills may receive additional coverage in this blog:

HR 5201 To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide for the mitigation of cybersecurity risks by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and for other purposes. Thompson, Bennie G. [Rep.-D-MS-2]

I will be watching HR 5201 for language and definitions that would indicate that the mitigation measures described would affect those outside of the Agency.

Mention in Passing

I would like to mention one bill in passing that is probably the ultimate expression of the polarity in politics today:

HR 5194 To prohibit Federal funds from being used to pay the salary of John Luman Smith. Ogles, Andrew [Rep.-R-TN-5]

Smith is, of course, the Special Counsel who is prosecuting former President Trump, with indictments in both Miami and Washington, DC.

This bill currently has little chance of being considered in the House, would not likely be passed if it were, would not be considered in the Senate, and would be vetoed by the President if it were passed. This is an exercise in political grandstanding and if I were Jack Smith, I would have a copy framed and placed prominently in my office.

We are known by our enemies as much as by our friends.

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