Monday, October 18, 2021

Review - S 2979 Introduced - NTIA Policy and Cybersecurity Coordination

Earlier this month, Sen Hickenlooper (D,CO) introduced S 2979, the NTIA Policy and Cybersecurity Coordination Act. The bill would amend 47 USC Chapter 8, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, adding a new §106, Office of Policy Development and Cybersecurity. The bill includes some specific cybersecurity support requirements for NTIA. The bill does not authorize any additional funds for NTIA.

Both Hickenlooper and his sole cosponsor {Sen Capito (R,WV)} are members of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation to which this bill was assigned for consideration. This means that there should be sufficient influence to see the bill considered in Committee. I see nothing in the bill that would engender any specific opposition. I suspect that the Committee would approve the bill with significant bipartisan support. This bill is unlikely to make to the floor of the Senate as a stand alone bill, but it could be added to a spending or authorization bill as an amendment.

For more details on the cybersecurity taskings for the new Office, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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