Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bills Introduced – 01-10-14

With only the House meeting in Washington yesterday there were 15 bills introduced and three of them were of potential specific interest to readers of this blog; addressing DHS Authorization, cybersecurity and funding the federal government. Those bills were:

HR 3846 Latest Title: To provide for the authorization of border, maritime, and transportation security responsibilities and functions in the Department of Homeland Security and the establishment of United States Customs and Border Protection, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Miller, Candice S. (R,MI)

HR 3847 Latest Title: To require the Secretary of Homeland Security the responsibility to develop and provide to the Secretary of Health and Human Services risk-based, performance-based cybersecurity standards for the Federal information technology requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, including the website, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Barber, Ron (D,AZ)

HJ RES 106 Latest Title: Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Rogers, Harold [KY-5]

This will be my last mention of HR 3847 since it is a federal government IT security bill and as such does not address control system issues. I point it out here because it will almost certainly get considered quickly in the House and might even get Senate consideration; a real oddity for cybersecurity legislation.

Continuing Resolution

The official text of HJ Res 106 is already available from the GPO; hardly surprising given its topic and the fact that it is a one page bill. It simply extends the expiration date of the current spending law (Public Law 113–46) from January 15th until January 18th. This is being done to give the appropriations negotiators from the House and Senate time to work out the final details of a spending bill that will continue to the end of the fiscal year. The way this bill is written it also specifically extends the CFATS authorization through January 18th.

CFATS Authorization

I’m hearing rumors that there will be a CFATS Authorization bill introduced this week by House Homeland Security Chairman McCaul (R,TX). I have yet to see a copy of the bill but I have heard that it will be a two year authorization taking it out of the spending bill authorization process. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing this bill that reportedly is going to be introduced Thursday.

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