Thursday, October 3, 2024

Review - HR 9412 Introduced – Healthcare Cybersecurity

Back in August, Rep Crow (D,CO) introduced HR 9412, the Healthcare Cybersecurity Act of 2024. The bill establishes requirements for: CISA-HHS coordination, CISA healthcare cybersecurity training, HHS developed sector security plans, and requires HHS to develop criteria for identifying high-risk covered assets. The bill would specifically prohibit additional funding to support these efforts.

This bill is very similar to S 4697 [removed from paywall] which was introduced in July by Sen Rosen (D,NV). That bill was considered by the Senate on July 31st, 2024. The bill was amended and recommended reported favorably by a vote of 10 to 1 {Sen Paul (R,KY) was the dissenting vote}. That report (and the amended version) has not yet been published. Paul’s opposition almost assures that the S 4697 will not be considered by the full Senate.

Moving Forward

Neither Crow, nor his three cosponsors, are members of the House Homeland Security Committee to which this bill was assigned for primary consideration. This means that there will probably not be sufficient influence to see the bill considered in Committee. With the funding exclusion added to the bill, I see nothing that would engender any organized opposition. I suspect that there would be some level of bipartisan support for the bill were it to be considered. Whether it would be sufficient to see the bill considered under the suspension of the rules process before the Full House remains to be seen.


For more information on this bill and its differences from S 4697, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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