Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ICS Security Training

Last week I mentioned the announcement of the ICSJWG Spring Meeting found on the CCSP web site. That announcement included a brief mention of a training course, Introduction to Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity. I contacted ICSJWG for further information on the course and received the following information from Monica Maher at the ICSJWG Program Office, CCSP/DHS: “The training is a fast-paced course covering control systems cyber security challenges. The training objectives include helping participants understand the importance of securing control systems, how attacks against control systems can be launched, and providing mitigation strategies. Participants will gain an understanding of how to improve the cyber security posture of their control system networks. Specific topics will include:
“The importance of protecting control systems from cyber attacks and why they are susceptible “Understanding the risks and potential consequences of attacks “Understanding common vulnerabilities in industrial control systems “Discussion of system exposures to attacks, various attack scenarios, and associate mitigation strategies “Control System Security Program products and services that are available to asset owners.”
It sounds like a good introduction to ICS Cybersecurity. Oh yes, the best information, the course is being provided at no charge.

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